Tagged "self-help law"

Self-Help Videos for Self-Represented Litigants from LegalYou

Posted by Richard Granat on

A Florida based law firm, IceLegal, has created a series of how to do it videos for its self-help law web site at http://www.legalyou.com  These videos were designed for Florida residents who represent themselves in court, but they are useful for any jurisdiction.

Here are some of the most useful videos for self-represented litigants:

What to Expect When Going to Court

Mediation and Arbitration: What You Need to Know

What to Wear to Court

For "unbundled" and "limited" legal services from a Florida law firm for a fixed fee - check out: LegalYou. LegalYou has an innovative approach to the delivery of legal services- lawyers helping consumers gain access to the legal system as a price they can afford.

Also see: SmartLegalForms available for the State of Florida.



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